About Me

Bangalore is a city of approximately 10 million people from many religious and cultural backgrounds. We ask you to take part in blessing this city by praying regularly for the people who live here. We long for the day when representatives from every nation, tribe, people and tongue in Bangalore will join us around the throne in heaven. Your prayers will help make this vision a reality!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve celebrations in Bangalore differ greatly depending on the people. The young middle and upper class may spend the evening in the city center at the street parties on Brigade and MG Road. The police have granted special permission for celebrations to last until 1am.

Photo from Boston.com Website

Some Hindus will hold special pujas to bring a fruitful year. Christians often hold all night prayer services, and Muslims generally do not observe or celebrate this holiday at all.

Regardless of how one spends this night, it brings us one year closer to the return of Jesus. Pray that 2012 would be a year of spiritual awakening in Bangalore. Ask God to pour out His Spirit on the many peoples, tongues and tribes living here and open their hearts to the Gospel. Pray that this would be the year of salvation for countless Bangaloreans.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Photo from Aarogya website

In November 2011, Bangalore set a world record in the number of people who had their blood sugar levels tested as part of a diabetes awareness campaign. Unfortunately half of those tested showed high blood sugar levels.

Diabetes is very common among Bangaloreans, especially after age 45. This is mostly due to diet and a sedimentary lifestyle. The typical diet is rich in oil, rice and flatbreads. Tea with milk and sugar is served a few times each day. All of this adds to a growing health problem for Bangaloreans.

Pray that God would use this disease to make Bangaloreans mindful of their humanity. Pray that Christian doctors would take every opportunity to share the Gospel with their patients. Ask God to help Bangaloreans to trade their love of bread and rice for a desire for the Bread of Life who will bring deep soul satisfaction.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What Flavor Are You

Photo: IndianPublicHolidays.com
"Christian" is a term that has a variety of meanings in Bangalore. It is not uncommon to meet a young person who says he is a Christian only to learn that his relationship with Jesus began forty-five years ago when his grandfather converted to Christianity. Please pray for the many cultural Christians today who are identified with our faith through census information and by others but who have no real understanding of salvation through Jesus. Ask God to speak to them and draw them personally into a relationship with Him.

Still there are other "Christians" whose worship is very similar to the religions around them. They have replaced their idols with statues of Mary and baby Jesus. These Christians are who the lost typically associate with Christianity. Please ask God to use His word to speak to the hearts of all who read it. Pray that those who identify themselves as Christians who not believe the words of man but would search the Scriptures for truth and align their lives and beliefs with it.

Then there others who have given up everything to follow Jesus. Their faith has cost them their families, their jobs and even their status in society. Ask God to encourage and strenthen them. Pray that they would have favor with outsiders and that God would meet all their needs according to His riches.

Praise God for the many in Bangalore who are known as Christians. Pray that each one would be a true ambassodor of Christ. Ask God to purify His church and help us to be clear testimonies of His plan for all people.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Child Beggars

Picture from TheHindu website
Just last week more than 200 children were rescued from handlers who had forced them into begging. Some were from other states, but others were left with handlers by parents who worked and picked them up in the evenings. Most of the parents were unaware of what the children were being forced to do each day. Many of the children were given cough syrup or other medicines to sedate them. Fortunately none of the children were disfigured in any way by their handlers.

Sadly these children are only a small portion of those forced into begging in Bangalore. Many poor parents will even encourage their children to beg. Others are taken in by handlers and cannot escape. Please pray that police would continue to free children who are unwillingly made to beg. Pray that those freed would be returned to loving homes or placed in safe places. Currently begging is more profitable than other low paying jobs. Please pray that God would begin to draw beggars into His family, and they would begin to work for His kingdom.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Anti-Corruption Rally

This year Anna Hazare, an anti-corruption activist, has gained much fame and popularity as he has held rallies and fasts in protest of corruption in the Indian government.

Picture from TheHindu website

Currently Kanataka's governmental anti-corruption organization is without a leader. The state government and governor cannot agree who to appoint to this important position, one historically responsible for exposing many corrupt dealings in the state.

On December 17, 2011, Anna Hazare will be visiting Bangalore and speaking at a rally held at Freedom Park in the city center. Please pray that those involved in the rally will, like Hazare, be non-violent. Ask God to use this desire to see corruption cleaned out of the political sphere to convict individuals of sin or corruption in their own hearts. Pray that God would begin moving among political leaders in Bangalore and bringing them into His Kingdom.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jains in Bangalore

Photo from TheHindu website

Last month, renovation of the Adniath temple in the Chickpet area of Bangalore began. For nine decades the temple was made of carved wood, but recently white marble was used to update this temple which houses many idols. This temple is utilized by the Shwethambara sect - one of the two main Jain sects. Jains make up about one percent of the population of Bangalore.

Many of us take for granted how much Christianity influences our culture and worldview. Simple things like being able to enjoy eating fruits or vegetables without guilt are foreign to Jains. Jainism is an ancient religion known since early recorded times as an independent faith and philosophy, although it has a degree of overlap with Buddhism and Hinduism.

A key element of Jain teachings is the commitment to nonviolence. This stems from the belief that every living thing has a soul. Therefore, some Jain monks abstain from eating not just meat, but also root vegetables. Many fret and worry about even stepping on an insect.

Pray that God would open their hearts to understand that there is a Ceator who made everything in this world and wants them to enjoy it and Him. Pray that the Jains would stop turning to false gods and horoscopes for answers and give their hearts to Jesus. Ask God to give them courageous hearts willing to fight and die so others can be saved.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Named after the Kadu Malleshwara Temple in the old Mallapura village, Malleshwaram is in the northwest of Bangalore. This is one of the oldest areas in Bangalore and most of the residents are descended from original inhabitants of the city. Malleshwaram is home to a large orthodox Hindu population. Electorally, Malleswaram is largely regarded as a center for Brahmins, a community which forms a sizeable and influential majority.

It is full of Hindu temples and is also a hotspot of educational activity with numerous schools and colleges. One of the city’s largest and more modern malls is located in this part of town – it boasts the country’s only Taco Bell. The Chowdiah Memorial Hall, named after the violin maestro Tirumakudalu Chowdiah, is one of the most prominent landmarks of Malleshwaram. It is designed in the shape of a violin and is a hub of arts and culture.

Psalm 115: 1-8 (NLT)
Picture from Shri Chirtrapur Math website
“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness. Why let the nations say, ‘Where is their God?’ Our God is in the heavens, and he does as he wishes. Their idols are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear,
and noses but cannot smell. They have hands but cannot feel, and feet but cannot walk, and throats but cannot make a sound. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.”

Please ask God to make Himself known to those living in Malleshwaram.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bangalore Habba

Each year the Artists Foundation for the Arts, holds a huge art festival with events at several venues throughout the city and even the state. The main purpose of the festival is to create awareness about different art forms. This year nearly 3000 artists from Karnataka and other parts of India will participate in the Bangalore Habba. Please be in prayer for these cultural activities taking place December 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012.

Photo from MetBlogs

Father, we pray for the many different artists who will be performing and exhibiting their work throughout the next two months. God we ask that you would use the beauty of their work to turn peoples' thoughts to You. As the best craftsmen were brought in to create pieces for the temple, we ask that one day many of these artists would use their talents to bring You glory here. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti is dedicated to the birth of Srimad Bhagvad Gita, the holy book of Hindus. In the Gita, the lessons of Lord Krishna to Arjuna are recorded. According to the Hindu beliefs, the Gita provides solutions for every problem that a man faces in his life. Hindus also feel the Gita teaches them the way to reconnect with God and lead a life of fulfillment and sacredness.

This festival is celebrated with great reverence and enthusiasm by Hindus in India and across the world. All 700 cantos of the Gita are chanted during the day. Devotees fast on this auspicious occasion. Cultural events are organized across the country where sages and devotees deliver religious speeches.

Picture from TribuneIndia website

John 5: 39-40 states, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life." Ask God to draw Hindus to look for answers to life's problems in the Bible. Pray that they would eagerly accept eternal life through Jesus alone.

Monday, December 5, 2011


After the Prophet Mohammad's death, there was a disagreement in the Muslim community about who was to succeed him in leadership of the Muslim nation. This was the beginning of the historical split between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Mohammad's grandson, Hussein, was brutally murdered during a battle against the ruling Caliph in 680 A.D. on the day known as Ashura. Now Shia Muslims observe this day in mourning for Hussein and in remembrance of his martyrdom. On Ashura, some Shia Muslims beat and flog themselves in parades to express their grief and to reenact the pain that Hussein suffered.

Father, we pray specifically for Shia Muslims today. God protect them as the needlessly beat themselves to show thier grief and empathize with Hussein's pain. Even as their backs are beaten and begin to bleed bring to mind images of Jesus as He was being tortured before his crucifixion. In the midst of their agony, please show them the way to eternal life. In Jesus name, we ask. Amen.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Prepraing a Home for Them

Social services are widespread in India. Some are provided by the government and some through private NGOs. In one area of Bangalore, the government has been building homes for poor people. Within this community is a group of believers. Originally they were included as recipients of this charity, but quickly that changed.

Photo by K. Gopinathan in The Hindu online paper

After many discussions with leaders, the believers learned they would only be given homes if they agreed to stop going to church and stop sharing their faith with others. Praise God for this group of believers who values their relationship with Jesus more than a new home. Pray that this will provide opportunities to share with leaders and neighbors alike. Ask God to strengthen their faith and help them not to waiver in this decision.

Pray that Jesus' promises in John 14: 1-3 (NIV) will be constantly in their minds and hearts. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chamba Sashti

Picture from HinduPad website
Chamba Sashti is a six day celebration with the main festival on the last day - November 30, 2011. It is dedicated to Lord Khandoba who is worshipped as a form of Krishna. Devotees believe that on the sixth day of the month of Margashirsha, Khandoba was victorious in a great fight with the demon Mani-Malla.

Father, today we pray for all of those who will participate in this celebration. We ask you to shine light in the darkness and show them that they are celebrating the victory of one demon over another. We pray that in the last days they will not be fighting with the demons against You. Please release them from the bondage of sin. In Jesus' name we ask. Amen

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Muharram - Islamic New Year

Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, begins at sunset on November 26th this year. Unlike many New Year's celebrations, Muharram is a month marked by fasting and mourning. Fighting is also forbidden.
Picture from Mumineen website
This month is particularly somber for Shia Muslims who remember the martyrdom of one of their Imams (religious leaders), who was also Mohammad's grandson. Fasting is an important part of their mourning as well as the observing of Ashura on the tenth day of the month.

Many Sunni Muslims observe a fast on the tenth day of the month because they believe it was on this day that Moses lead his people to victory over the Egyptian Pharoah. Many Muslims believe that fasting is consider a good work and earns favor with God.

Please pray for Muslims in Bangalore today as they celebrate their new year. As they fast and observe religious rituals this month, ask God to prepare their hearts to hear a new word from Him this year. Ask that the Word of God would enter their ears and hearts and change their lives forever. Pray that Sunni and Shia Muslims would come to Christ and live at peace with each other.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eunuchs of Bangalore

Photo from TribuneIndia website

As part of Bangalore's "Pride Week," a vigil was held tonight to commemorate the "Transgender Day of Remembrance." The most prominant group of transgender people in Bangalore is eunuchs. This marginalized group has been present in India for hundreds of years. Sometimes they earn money by performing at weddings or other community ceremonies. Many of them have been forced into begging and prostitution.

In Bangalore, new laws have signicantly decreased the number of eunuchs begging at traffic lights throughout the city. As you drive around today, let red traffic lights serve as a reminder to pray for this special group of people. Pray specifically that believers would be able to overcome personal fears and prejudices to show compassion and kindness to begging eunuchs who are often pushy, rude and a little intimidating. Pray that, like eunuchs who historically served kings, the eunuchs of Bangalore will one day serve the King of Kings!

Isaiah 56:3-5 (NLT)
“Don’t let foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord say,
      ‘The Lord will never let me be part of his people.’
   And don’t let the eunuchs say,
      ‘I’m a dried-up tree with no children and no future.’
For this is what the Lord says:
   I will bless those eunuchs
      who keep my Sabbath days holy
   and who choose to do what pleases me
      and commit their lives to me.
I will give them—within the walls of my house—
      a memorial and a name
      far greater than sons and daughters could give.
   For the name I give them is an everlasting one.
      It will never disappear!"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ragging the New Kids

The British influence in India is still apparent even today. One ritual borrowed from the English is the custom of ragging. It’s a form of interaction between seniors and lower-classmen in schools and colleges. Unlike hazing in the US, which is an initiation into a group, ragging was originally meant to establish a social hierarchy and teach important life values.

Ragging involves insults, physical punishments (physical, emotional or sexual in nature), running errands for seniors, and many other activities. Over time this tradition has become twisted and even dangerous. Past incidents have led to injuries and suicides. In India activities between the genders is generally limited. Recent newspaper articles about ragging in Bangalore reported that female seniors are now taking part in ragging the male underclassmen. The government has passed strict laws to ensure the safety of students.

Photo from IndiaBuzzing website
Please pray for students in Bangalore (those in colleges, universities and medical institutions). Ask that God would help each student know how special he or she is to Him. Pray that upper-classmen would not subject newcomers to cruel or harmful requests. Pray that underclassmen would stick up for each other and confidently oppose inappropriate requests. Pray that during this time away from family, students would be protected and drawn into a relationship with God through Jesus.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Electronic City

Picture from Siliconeer website
Have you ever called about a broken computer or a problem with your cable television only to find yourself talking to someone in India? Call centers are located in many major cities throughout the country, but Bangalore's Electronic City is not only the IT center for India but home to a significant number of call centers used by Western companies.

Please pray for what many consider to be the outsourcing capital of the world. Ask God to help Christians whose calls connect with call centers in Electronic City to show His love to those who answer even when communication is challenging. As young professionals from all over India relocate to Electronic City for jobs, please ask God to bring the Gospel to them. Next time you hear an Indian voice on the line in response to a troubleshooting call, please stop and say a prayer for the person on the other end of the call. You might be the first Christian to whom he or she has ever spoken!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Children’s Day

India's first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was born on November 14th. After his death in 1963, his birthday has been celebrated as Children's Day in India. Apart from being known for his skills as a statesman, Nehru was also immensely fond of children. Children's Day is celebrated all over India.

Photo from AFP/Getty Images
Father, today we lift up the many children in Bangalore to You. We know that some families are very poor and see children as a financial burden too heavy for them. God we ask you to make Psalm 127: 3-5 (NLT) a reality for them. May they see their children as a gift from you. May those who have many children be full of joy and not know shame. God please give each child in Bangalore an opportunity to know You. Save them and their families! In Jesus name, we ask. Amen. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lingayat People

The Lingayat are one of the largest people groups in Karnataka. Many work in goverment service as well as other professions. A larger number likely reside in Bangalore.

Photo from bangaloremirror website
They are a Hindu sect who previously rejected caste distinctions.They continue to be anti-Brahmancial and are opposed to the worship of many gods. They worship Shiva as the only deity. The followers take their name (“lingam-wearers”) from the small representations of a lingam, symbolizing Shiva, which both the men and women wear around their necks.

Please pray for that the Lingayat would become disillusioned with their worship of Shiva. Ask God to draw them into relationship with Himself. Ask God to strengthen and encourage any believers among this people group. Pray that they would be able to effectively communicate the Gospel with their friends and family members.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guru Nanak Jayanti

Picture by Raja / RTMC
Today Sikhs celebrate the birthday of their first guru and founder of thie religion, Guru Nanak Dev. An Jearly morning procession starts from the Gurdwaras (Sikh temples) and then proceeds around the localities singing 'shabads' (hymns). The celebration also includes the three-day Akhand path, during which the holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib is read continuously, from beginning to end without a break.

Free sweets and community lunches, or langar, are offered to everyone irrespective of religious faith. Men, women, and children, participate in this as service to the community by cooking food and distributing it. Sikhs all over the world practice what Guru Nanak Dev preached.

There are only three Sikh Gurdwaras (temples) in Bangalore. The largest can hold about 500 worshippers. Pray for the small Sikh population residing in Bangalore. Ask God to free them from misconceptions about how to know and please Him. Ask God to pour out His Spirit on the Sikhs of Bangalore and cause a mighty turning to Jesus that spreads through the rest of the city!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Metro Workers

In October, the first phase of the Bangalore Metro opened for passengers. For the last few years, workers from all over the country have been living here and working countless hours to make this dream a reality. The first stretch only spans about seven kilometers. With a lot of work still ahead, the number of imigrant workers from other parts of India is not likely to deminish.
Photo from KarnatakaSpider.com
While these workers are away from home, please pray for their health and safety. Pray that believers in the city would reach out to these imigrants and bless them in the name of Jesus. Ask that many would become followers of Jesus and take the Gospel back to their families.

If there are any believers among the workers, pray that they would find local bodies of believers to meet with regularly for encouragement. Ask God to help them make time for their relationships with Him and to have a positive impact on others around them. Pray for His blessings on their families while they are away from them.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Festival of Sacrifice

Photo from wn.com

At the end of the Hajj, Muslims throughout the world celebrate Eid-al-Adha also known as the Festival of Sacrifice. In 2011, Eid-al-Adha will begin on or around November 7th, and will last for three days.

During the Hajj, Muslims commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet Abraham. One of Abraham's main trials was to face the command of God to kill his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to God's will.

On the first morning of this holiday, Muslims remember Abraham's trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. The meat from the sacrifice of Eid-al-Adha is mostly given away to others. The act symbolizes a willingness to give up things that are of benefit to one’s self or close to one’s heart in order to follow God's commands. It also symbolizes a willingness to give from one’s own blessings to friends and those who are in need.

Please pray for one million Bangalorean Muslims as they celebrate Eid-al-Adha with their families. Pray that God will help them undestand how their animal sacrifices are actually a picture of His plan to restore their relationships with Him. Ask God to help them understand that Jesus is the last sacrifice, and he can bring them into right relationship with God.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hajj: November 4-9, 2011

Picture from MuslimMatters website

Every year, Muslims from all over the world take part in one of the largest gatherings on the planet –the pilgrimage to Mecca. This is known as Hajj and is one of the five pillars of Islam. If financially and physically able, every Muslim must make this pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime.

During these days, Muslims from varied backgrounds will all stand before God as brothers and sisters asking Him to accept their good deeds. The Hajj is a re-enactment of the experiences of the Prophet Abraham, whose willingness to sacrifice his son in submission to God is a great example for Muslims.

The Hajj is also a reminder of the Grand Assembly on the Day of Judgment when people will stand equal before God waiting for their final destiny, and as the Prophet Muhammad said, "God does not judge according to your bodies and appearances, but he scans your hearts and looks into your deeds."

During the next few days, please pray specifically for Muslims from Bangalore who are participating in Hajj this year. Pray that the sinfulness of their hearts would be clear to them. Ask God to reveal the way of cleansing to them. Pray that Jesus would appear to them in visions and dreams explaining that His blood alone can make them pure.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bangalore Peanut Festival

As the peanut crops are harvested during the month of November, tourists and locals alike will join in the revelry of Kadalekaye Parishe (Peanut Festival). Most of the merriment centers around the famous Bull Temple. Many will worship at this temple as farmers offer their firstfruits to the gods.
Photo from vignaufamily blog

The Bull temple of Bangalore is dedicated to Nandi Bull, the animal Lord Shiva rides, and is situated in Basavanagudi. According to legend, the Bull Temple was built to appease a bull that used to consume and destroy all the peanuts grown in the area. After the temple was built, the bull stopped damaging the crops. As a celebration of this event, the farmers of Basavanagudi organized Kadalekaye Parishe near the temple. This fair continues till now and is attended by the people of Bangalore in large numbers.

This month please pray for the many worshippers who will gather at the Bull Temple. Ask God to have mercy on those who give worship and food offerings to idols. Pray that they would see the futility of these act. Any time you eat peanuts this month, please take a moment to intercede for the Peanut Festival in Bangalore.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Karnataka!

Photo from Dakshin Times website
In South India, there is tremendous linguistic diversity. On November 1, 1956, the Kannada speaking regions were grouped together to form the state of Karnataka. Kannada Rajyotsava is the yearly celebration of this event.

The capital city is full of lights and flags as the birth of the state is commemorated. Join in the festivities by asking God's blessings on this state. Ask God to give them the gift of repentance and sorrow over sin. Pray that corruption would be brought into the light and that leaders would rule in righteousness. Pray that Bangalore would be a city that turns radically to Christ and leads the entire state to be reconciled to God.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Desperate Escape

Bangalore, like other cities around the world, is no stranger to problems. During this financial crisis, many families find themselves in insurmountable debt. Individuals find themselves in relationships which are not approved by their families. Regardless of the trials, there has been a growing number of Bangaloreans who are turning to suicide as their out. In a recent newspaper article, Bangalore police records show that through September of 2011 there have been 1,253 suicides in the city this year. This means an average of 139 cases per month.

Photo by Nishant Ratnakar

John 10:10 (NLT)

"The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Pray for all of those struggling in Bangalore. Ask that the enemy would not deceive them and cause them to see suicide as a solution to their problems. Pray that God would intervene, and they would meet the Good Shepherd who laid down his life so they might live.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bhai Dooj

As the festivities of Diwali come to a close, sisters all over Bangalore are preparing for Bhai Dooj, a Hindu festival to celebrate the special relationship between brothers and sisters.

Sisters demonstrate their love for their brothers through a religious ceremony representing their prayers. This is done by showing him a holy flame and placing a vermilion mark on their brothers’ foreheads. Sisters are lavished with gifts and blessings from their brothers. In modern cities like Bangalore, sisters who cannot place a tikka (the vermilion mark) on their brothers can send a virtual tikka through e-cards!

Photo from Rising Son of Nihon website
On October 28th, please pray that God would use the special family relationships between brothers and sisters to draw entire families to Christ. Pray as the tikkas are place on brothers’ foreheads today that they will realize only Jesus can protect and bless them. As Hindu women turn to Jesus, pray that God would use their brothers to encourage them and protect them from persecution.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diwali: Festival of Lights

Picture from News4U Blog
Diwali is celebrated throughout India with great enthusiasm - it rivals the revelry of Christmas and New Year's Eve in the West. Followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism observe various customs related to Diwali (a.k.a. Deepawali) in India.

The word “Diwali” is the abbreviation of the word “Deepavali,” which means “rows of lights.”  Diwali is a festival of lights symbolizing the victory of righteousness and the lifting of spiritual darkness.

People of all ages and backgrounds dress up in new clothes on this day and illuminate their home with diyas (clay lamps). The Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped on Diwali. Fireworks can be heard all night long as the festive mood extends for days.

On October 26th, please pray for Bangaloreans as they celebrate Divali with friends and family members. Ask God to open their eyes to the spiritual darkness in which they live. Ask God to reveal the "light of the world" to them as the only means of victory over darkness and the only way to righteousness.