About Me

Bangalore is a city of approximately 10 million people from many religious and cultural backgrounds. We ask you to take part in blessing this city by praying regularly for the people who live here. We long for the day when representatives from every nation, tribe, people and tongue in Bangalore will join us around the throne in heaven. Your prayers will help make this vision a reality!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadan 2012

Ramadan is the time for Muslims around the world to fast from sunrise to sunset. But this 30 days of fasting goes far beyond fasting from food. The Arabic word for "fasting" means "to refrain" - the Ramadan fast is not merely refraining from food and drink but also from wrong actions, thoughts, and words. So during daylight hours, they abstain from food and drink; some even refrain from swallowing their own saliva!

Beyond the physical call is the religious call. Muslims are to use this month to evaluate their lives against the teachings of Islam in order to improve. They should focus on forgiving those who have wronged them, improving relationships with family and friends, and getting rid of bad habits - basically a type of spiritual cleansing. Muslims also use this month to focus on worshipping God, filling their hearts and minds with the Qur'an (their holy book), and practicing self-sacrifice by identifying with the hungry and giving to the poor.

Please pray for Muslims as they begin fasting Saturday morning (August 21, 2012) in Bangalore. Ask God to help them understand that none of their good deeds can make their hearts clean before them. Pray that they would have dreams and visions that reveal the truth about Jesus.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Shab-e-barat (July 5th)

Shab-E-Barat is a Muslim festival celebrated in India and other parts of the world. The Persian words can be translated "night of payment or assignment." By most, it is seen as a night of forgiveness.

Photo from pakistanisforpeace.wordpress.com

All over Bangalore tonight, Muslims will pray to God and recite the Qur’an in the hopes of finding forgiveness for their wrongs. In the early morning hours, they will visit cemeteries to offer flowers and read passages to provide peace for deceased family members.

Father, as Muslims in Bangalore celebrate Shab-E-Barat tonight, we ask You to reveal yourself to them. Confirm to them that Isa (Jesus) is more than a prophet and the only means by which to find forgiveness. Use the images of graves in the cemetery to remind them of their mortality and their need for help reaching heaven.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Akshaya Tritiya (April 24, 2012)

Photo from funonthenet.in

Astrology is particularly important to Hindus. Because of the alignment of the sun and moon with the planets on this day, it is believed that things started on this day will continue to increase or never deminish. New investments or ventures are often started on this auspicious holiday. It is common to buy gold, and merchants have learned to take advantage of this aspect of the festival.

It also believed that the merit of good deed done on this day is permanent and cannot be destroyed by future sin. Even the stingy become generous on this day albeit for selfish reasons. Although the religious significance differs, both Jains and Hindus will celebrate this holiday with special pujas (prayers), fasting and other rituals.

Please pray for Jains and Hindus in Bangalore today. As they seek to store up treasures of good works and material wealth, pray that they would come to know the pearl of great price who is worth everything. Ask God to reveal Jesus to them and give them them faith to count everything else as rubbish compared to knowing Him.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Not So Private Voting

Photo from blog.sdpi.in
Water shortages and bad roads are common in Bangalore, but the recent response of local elected leaders to these problems is shocking. A recent newspaper article stated that in areas which did not vote for the elected leaders, the elected officials refused to do anything to improve conditions. The attitude of some politicians seems to be if you did not elect me then I will not work on your behalf.

Please read 1 Timothy 2: 1-4: "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,  who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

In accordance with these verses, please stop and pray for the elected leaders serving in Bangalore. Pray for their salvation and that they will not respond to needs in selfish or vindictive ways.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tigala People

This month in Bangalore more than a week of activities were held to celebrate the Karaga festival by the Tigala people. Tigalas are a caste of people native to southern Karnataka and border regions of Tamil Nadu. They are considered to be ethnically Tamil and usually speak both Kannada and Tamil.

Picture from www.aturquoisecloud.wordpress.com

Many of  Tamils who migrated to other areas of India were gardeners and called Tigalas by locals. According to local history, a local king encouraged the Tigalas to settle in Bangalore to help with one of the gardens, Lal Bagh.

Typically Tigalas are Hindus who primarily worship Draupadi Amman. The Karaga festival is connected to worship of this god.

Please join us in praying for the Tigala living in Bangalore. Pray that both Kannada and Tamil speakers would have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and worship in their heart languages. Pray that the seed of the Gospel would be sown and produce a harvest on the hearts of these gardeners.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


This year as Christians in Bangalore prepare to celebrate Easter, ask God to give them a renewed passion to know Jesus and make Him known. Pray that Hindus and Muslims in the city would be drawn to find out more about this special holiday. Ask God to help remove preconceived notions that would hinder Muslims and Hindus from understanding the importance of Jesus' death. Ask God to bless evangelistic efforts taking place during the Easter holiday.

Photo from blog.travelpod.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hanuman Jayanti (April 6, 2012)

I first heard about the monkey god (Hanuman) from a Christian who had once followed this god. She had kept shrines in her home for him and fasted regularly. As her devotion grew, she began to hear the monkey god talking to her. When she met new people, he would whisper their deepest secrets to her. The last time she heard the monkey god speak to her was on the day of her baptism. As she began to worship Jesus, the cross overshadowed the monkey god and his voice disappeared. 

Picture from searchandhra.com

On the full moon of April, Hanuman's birthday is celebrated throughout India. Hanuman's devotion to Rama is unmatched. He is considered a model of devotion to god. Hanuman is a symbol of power and selfless service. On Hanuman Jayanti, people flock to temples and apply vermilion on the idol of Hanuman. They offer betel leaves to him and fast.

Today please pray for the millions who worship the monkey god. Ask that the power available to them through service to him would be nothing compared to the power of Jesus over sin. Ask Jesus to release these followers from the bondage that holds them to this god. Ask that like the woman mentioned above, the cross would overshadow the monkey god in their lives.