About Me

Bangalore is a city of approximately 10 million people from many religious and cultural backgrounds. We ask you to take part in blessing this city by praying regularly for the people who live here. We long for the day when representatives from every nation, tribe, people and tongue in Bangalore will join us around the throne in heaven. Your prayers will help make this vision a reality!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bhai Dooj

As the festivities of Diwali come to a close, sisters all over Bangalore are preparing for Bhai Dooj, a Hindu festival to celebrate the special relationship between brothers and sisters.

Sisters demonstrate their love for their brothers through a religious ceremony representing their prayers. This is done by showing him a holy flame and placing a vermilion mark on their brothers’ foreheads. Sisters are lavished with gifts and blessings from their brothers. In modern cities like Bangalore, sisters who cannot place a tikka (the vermilion mark) on their brothers can send a virtual tikka through e-cards!

Photo from Rising Son of Nihon website
On October 28th, please pray that God would use the special family relationships between brothers and sisters to draw entire families to Christ. Pray as the tikkas are place on brothers’ foreheads today that they will realize only Jesus can protect and bless them. As Hindu women turn to Jesus, pray that God would use their brothers to encourage them and protect them from persecution.