About Me

Bangalore is a city of approximately 10 million people from many religious and cultural backgrounds. We ask you to take part in blessing this city by praying regularly for the people who live here. We long for the day when representatives from every nation, tribe, people and tongue in Bangalore will join us around the throne in heaven. Your prayers will help make this vision a reality!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bangalore Peanut Festival

As the peanut crops are harvested during the month of November, tourists and locals alike will join in the revelry of Kadalekaye Parishe (Peanut Festival). Most of the merriment centers around the famous Bull Temple. Many will worship at this temple as farmers offer their firstfruits to the gods.
Photo from vignaufamily blog

The Bull temple of Bangalore is dedicated to Nandi Bull, the animal Lord Shiva rides, and is situated in Basavanagudi. According to legend, the Bull Temple was built to appease a bull that used to consume and destroy all the peanuts grown in the area. After the temple was built, the bull stopped damaging the crops. As a celebration of this event, the farmers of Basavanagudi organized Kadalekaye Parishe near the temple. This fair continues till now and is attended by the people of Bangalore in large numbers.

This month please pray for the many worshippers who will gather at the Bull Temple. Ask God to have mercy on those who give worship and food offerings to idols. Pray that they would see the futility of these act. Any time you eat peanuts this month, please take a moment to intercede for the Peanut Festival in Bangalore.