About Me

Bangalore is a city of approximately 10 million people from many religious and cultural backgrounds. We ask you to take part in blessing this city by praying regularly for the people who live here. We long for the day when representatives from every nation, tribe, people and tongue in Bangalore will join us around the throne in heaven. Your prayers will help make this vision a reality!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bangalore Habba

Each year the Artists Foundation for the Arts, holds a huge art festival with events at several venues throughout the city and even the state. The main purpose of the festival is to create awareness about different art forms. This year nearly 3000 artists from Karnataka and other parts of India will participate in the Bangalore Habba. Please be in prayer for these cultural activities taking place December 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012.

Photo from MetBlogs

Father, we pray for the many different artists who will be performing and exhibiting their work throughout the next two months. God we ask that you would use the beauty of their work to turn peoples' thoughts to You. As the best craftsmen were brought in to create pieces for the temple, we ask that one day many of these artists would use their talents to bring You glory here. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.