About Me

Bangalore is a city of approximately 10 million people from many religious and cultural backgrounds. We ask you to take part in blessing this city by praying regularly for the people who live here. We long for the day when representatives from every nation, tribe, people and tongue in Bangalore will join us around the throne in heaven. Your prayers will help make this vision a reality!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kalal People

Photo from TravelPod blog

The Kalal are traditionally sellers of mutton.They work closely with Muslims in this occupation. The Muslims slaughter the animals, and the Kalal clean and sell the meat. With a background in Islam, this Hindu people group holds a unique place in the community. 

Even though this group no longer holds to Muslim traditions, like circumcision, their background gives them a special relationship with Muslims. This relationship is evident in many areas.  The sharing of food is unique in India.  Most communities will not accept food from those they see as beneath them.  Most communities in Karnataka see the Kalal as beneath them and will not accept food from them, but the Muslim communities of Karnataka will accept food from only this Hindu community. 

Because of this community's unique position in society, they may be a special key to the gospel flowing between the Muslim and Hindu communities.  Pray that the Kalal will embrace the truth of the Gospel and that we will see the gospel spread from Hindu background belivers to Muslims as never before!